KaleidoScope Therapy

Discover a Brighter Path to Healing and Growth With Kaleidoscope Interventions.

About Us What we do

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Welcome to our Play Therapy and Teen Counseling Practice!

Are you a parent seeking support for your teenager's emotional well-being? Is your child struggling with anxiety, depression, or behavioral challenges?Social Skills? ASD ? We can help you and your family navigate these important moments. Play Therapy for Kids: Let your child explore their world through play! Play therapy creates a safe and nurturing space where children can express themselves, build resilience, and develop essential life skills.

Teen Counseling: Teens face unique challenges as they transition into adulthood. Our dedicated counselors provide a confidential and empathetic environment for teenagers to talk openly, manage stress, and build strong emotional foundations.

Play therapy

Teen Counselling

Adult Counselling

Training Courses and Diplomas

Play Therapy

Teen Counselling

Adult Counselling

Training Courses and Dimplomas

Unlock your team's potential with our corporate mental health wellness service.

Prioritize mental well-being and boost productivity.Discover a happier,healthier and more successful workforce.

Our Price List

Early Booking Discount R2000
Usually R2500
Payment options available R4000

KaleidoScope Therapy